

The caterpillar which ma'am put in our classroom was missing suddenly!I was very sad.The lime butterfly was so cute!But one day,I saw the fully-grown butterfly on the wall.I jumped for joy.That day, when we went back to school,the butterfly was missing again."This was a mystery for me,"I thought.Since that day,the lime butterfly did not come back again.I shook my head.But when ma'am told us that she would be buying a butterfly again,I smiled.I really hoped that ma'am would buy a butterfly again.I would like to thank ma'am for buying another butterfly again.I am looking forward for the arrival of the butterfly.


Some of my classmates and I had played "Scrabble".It was a very fun game.Few days ago,we had played a friendly Scrabble match of competition.Ma'am chose me as the team leader.My team members and I played with our opponents from Mayflower Primary School.Although all of us lost,we had made friends and learnt many new things and words used in Scrabble.We were not disappointed at all.Another point of Scrabble was the day that the whole class and I went down to our school canteen with ma'am.Some of my classmates had took some of the refreshments to get the other pupils'attention to come to let us to teach them and play Scrabble.Ma'am chose five of us,including me,to give out the refreshments and snacks to the pupils.Almost all of the pupils from each level came to let us teach them.We enjoyed ourselves there.We went there for two hours.I would like to thank ma'am for leading us into the fun.

The English Carnival

We had the "English week"in school during the last five school days.It was known as "the English week"or"the English Carnival".It was very fun and interesting because all the games were those which I liked.We had "Stretch and Throw"and many other games.I liked "Stretch and Throw" the most because it was a game about "throwing".This was how we must play:First,take a ball from a basket.Second,throw the ball into one of the baskets which were on the chairs.Fourth,if your ball goes into one of the baskets,you must proceed to the "answering"part.Answer the question given to you.(But take note that there is no sweet or any other prizes for you!)It was just an "answer game".Of course,those questions were about English.My classmates,whom were all girls and I went to play the "Guess and Find"game.It was very interesting too,but I prefer the"Stretch and Throw"to this "Guess and Find".This was how to play the"Guess and Find":First,an "e-parent"from our school will give us a question about English.We will need to raise our hands to answer.Of course,the"e-parent"will choose one of the students.Second,After the"e-parent" has called one of the students,the student will have to answer the question.If he or she answers the question correctly,he or she will need to find the word which he or she uses to answer the question in a crossword puzzle.Third,if he or she finds the word hidden in the crossword puzzle,he or she will get a sweet.That was how we played.Although I did not get a sweet,I was not sad or disappeared.It was worth playing.My classmates and I had enjoyed ourselves.I would like to thank the "e-parents"and teachers who had prepared these fun games.I am looking forward to have another English Carnival.


The Oral Practice which ma'am Gave Us

Few days ago,ma'am gave us oral practices.She also gave us the "oral notes".The notes were very important to us because if we read them,our oral would get better.The marks we would get would be also high.I felt that the notes were very worth and precious.They were just like gold to me.Many people know that most Singaporeans speak"singlish".We must not speak"singlish".First,we practised our "pronounciation".Pronounciations are very important to us,because when we pronounce the words wrongly,even one short word,the marks would get"pulled down",so we must pronounce words clearly.This will make people understand what are we talking about.Second,we practised the"tongue twisters".Actually,it is not that by reading tongue twisters will make your tongue twist.It is actually that that words in the tongue twisters is sometimes quite alike as the other words in pronounciation.It is quite easy to read the tongue twisters.They are fun and interesting.Third,we practised our intonation.pace and volume by reading passages.Sometimes,we need to read the words in "highs"and"lows".We also need to stop a while when reading.This is called phrasing.Lastly,fourth,when we are telling stories,we need to read informally,which means we can read them in "highs"and"lows".But when we are reading an important news report,we need to read it formally,which means we must not read in"highs"and"lows".We must read it in just a little bit of "highs"and"lows".I can remember that some of my classmates went to perform the "singlish" and the wrong pronounciations.It was very funny and all of us laughed.I would like to thank ma'am for giving us the oral practices to train ourselves.I would also like to thank some of my classmates for bringing us the joy and laughter by performing on the school stage.


Trip to the Science Centre

Yesterday,all the classes of Primary 4 went to the Science Centre,including me.It was very fun and interesting because there were many fun things,such as the DNA part.First, we went to a lecture room.We learnt about how ultraviolet rays work,help and where do they come from.The lecture room was filled with many things which were related to Science.Mr Yeong,the Science lecturer,talked to us about "light",the chapter which ma'am is teaching us now.I liked the chapter"light" because it tells us about rays and many things.Mr Yeong also told us about the "infra-red",how does light travel and in what way can light help us,the human beings and plants.An infra-red is a source of light that cannot be seen humans.Second,Mr Yeong lead us to the "animal life"part.There were small chicks popping out from their shells.They were all very cute!I hoped that I could bring them back to my house and raise them up.Next,something made me ran vigorously.Eek!They were the cockroaches!Some of them were moulting,which means that they were "tearing"their old skin!I walked to the mealworms which were in a container.One of them was casing an egg case.Third,some of my classmates and I walked to the "frog's croaking machine".I made a frog croak and recorded it.Ma'am called us and we went back to our school.Wee!